Gratis $5 untuk forex - Liteforex

Liteforex mengadakan promosi dengan memberikan gratis 5 dollar untuk langsung digunakan trading, dan profit bisa langsung diambil. Berlaku mulai 25 - 29 April 2011.
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Proving the image of a stable and powerful company LiteForex is making the next step in developing the online-trading industry and supplying the quotes of the high accuracy on the accounts of a new type – Floating Spread.

In order to participate in Nice Surprise you need to open a Floating Spread account with LiteForex group of companies and verify your telephone number. A bonus of 5 dollars will be credited on your account within three business days.
Using the initial deposit for trading you master your trading strategies on the Floating Spread accounts and have a great possibility to execute transactions with zero spread.
In order to participate in Nice Surprise you need to open a Floating Spread account that is completely prepared for work and execute transactions actively, benefiting from the initial 5 dollars funds and quotes of the high accuracy for gaining additional profit.

How to get the bonus.
You open a Floating Spread account in the LiteForex company and a bonus of 5 US dollars will be credited within three business days. To receive the bonus you need to verify your telephone number first.
The funds can be fully used in trading.
Any profit received during your trading can be withdrawn without any restrictions.
You can also withdraw the bonus as soon as you sequentially complete the following conditions:

1. Deposit your account with $50 (during 120 days after getting a bonus)
2. After depositing, make 30 transactions of any volume

The promotion Nice Surprise runs from the 25th of April 2011 to the 29th of April 2011 inclusive. Only Floating Spread accounts opened during the promotion period are permitted for participation.
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Triks gratis $110 dari instaforex

Ini yang saya lakukan untuk pertama kali trading. Dengan mendapatkan tambahan $110 otomatis margin kita akan lebih besar sehingga makin kuat dan gak sering kena margin call. Bonus ini bisa kita ambil. Lah enak kan !!!
Daftar dulu di Instaforex
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Saya cari-cari broker yang bonus nya besar di internet, ternyata menemukan instaforex.
yang bonusnya 30% dan bisa sampai 40%.
Nah jika daftar dan deposit 100, akan mendapakan 30 jadi total margin kita = 130 dollar
tapi bila kita mendepostikan 300 akan mendapatkan 110 akan menjadi 410 dollar.
Itu dia, jadi kita akan mendepositkan 300 dollar ke account kita, setelah mendapatkan 410 dollar, mainkan sampai mendapatkan 500 dollar atau lebih, kemudian ambil uang yang kita depositkan sebesar 300 dollar. JIka sudah mencapai 510 dollar, kita ambil 300 dollar, masih tersisa 210 dolar. Kita mainkan modal bonus tadi.
Untuk mendapatkan bonus ini, setelah deposit nanti ada menu get bonus, klik di sana terus ikuti petunjuk selanjutnya.
Untuk mendapatkan bonus yang lebih gede lagi, daftar dulu di instaforex club. Untuk pendaftaran akan dikenakan biaya 10$ yang diambil dari acount anda. Apabila anda sebagai member instaforex club, anda berhak mendapatkan bonus deposit 40%.
Selamat mencoba
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Gratis 500 cents - forexcent

Setiap trader baru akan mendapatkan bonus welcome sebesar 500 cents dan langsung bisa di gunakan untuk trading, tanpa melakukan deposit, dan bonus bisa diambil sesuai dengan ketentuan.
Tunggu apa lagi, gratis ajah kok.
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Open No Deposit forex Bonus 500 account and you will get a 500 cent (5 USD) bonus. With free forex Bonus 500 account you will be able to trade and earn real money at Forex market with no investment at all! Bonus-500 account is a micro account and counted in US cents, the 100 on balance mean 1$ (100 cents). Free Bonus-500 account is used for trying Trading Platform and getting familiar with Forex Trading.

To open free welcome forex bonus account register on our website, login using your e-mail and password received with registration e-mail and open special Bonus-500 account in the Bonuses menu. The bonus will be delegated instantly, if you did not get the bonus, then you have opened simple Micro or Normal trading account without bonus.

You can upgrade free forex welcome bonus and raise leverage:

If you deposit money on your Bonus 500 account or trade in profit required amount the leverage and maximum orders number might be raised:

Level 0 (starting): no deposit needed; leverage 1:5, maximum orders up to 3, maximum order lot 0.05, no trading advisors allowed;

Level 1: deposit 100 cents (1$) will increase leverage up to 1:20 and maximum orders number to 5, maximum order lot 0.10, no trading advisors allowed;

Level 2: deposit 300 cents (3$) will increase leverage up to 1:50, maximum orders number to 10, and maximum order lot 0.15, no trading advisors allowed;

Level 3: deposit 500 cents (5$) will increase leverage up to 1:100 and maximum orders number to 15, maximum order lot 0.20, trading advisors are allowed;

Level 4: deposit 1.000 cents (10$) will increase leverage up to 1:200 and maximum orders number to 20, maximum order lot 1.0, trading advisors are allowed;

Level 5: deposit 2.000 cents (20$) and more will increase leverage up to 1:500 and maximum orders number to 25, maximum order lot 5.0, trading advisors are allowed;

For upgrading the Bonus-500 account, you have to deposit some funds or trade in profit required amount and contact our support team by e-mail or on-line chat.

All upgrades are done manually by our support team, so please contact us as soon as you deposit or trade required amount for upgrade.

To activate upgrade - all orders, on no deposit bonus account, must be closed.

If upgrading funds withdrawn, all upgrades will be cancelled and free forex Bonus-500 account terms will be downgraded.

Profit from free forex bonus account can be withdrawn at any time, the minimum to withdraw it 100 cents on balance (1$USD)

Rules of using free welcome forex bonus account

Balance of the Bonus-500 account is calculated in US cents, 100 units on the balance = 1$

Profit can be withdrawn at any time from free forex bonus account.

After withdrawing profit from Bonus-500 account, the delegated bonus credit will be removed

Minimum to withdraw from Bonus-500 account is 100 cents (1$)

To withdraw from Bonus-500 account all orders (including pending orders) must be closed or you will receive error message "insufficient funds".

Only one no deposit forex bonus account can be opened for one household.

Bonus and all orders might be cancelled if it will be used with other free forex bonus account from same IP, address or name;

The company has a right to deny granting a no deposit forex bonus or to cancel delegated free welcome forex bonus at any time without giving any reason for it, with notification on internal trading terminal mail.

Sign up
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Modal gratis untuk forex

Banyak temen - teman yang ingin trading, namun biasanya kendalanya gak mau mengeluarkan modal. Ada solusi untuk mendapatkan modal gratis dari instaforex.
Caranya ramaikan forum dan posting di forum, setiap posting akan di bayar $0.15 dan akan di kirim langsung ke metatrader kita setiap tanggal 7.
Langsung saja kita daftar dulu
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Cara daftar di instaforex
buka website instaforex
klik open account atau buka akun trading

muncul jendela baru, klik ACCEPT TERMS OF AGREEMENT
Isi semua data form di atas
Full Name : isi dengan nama lengkap
Birthdate : isi dengan tanggal lahir
Address : masukkan alamat anda
City : Kota tempat anda tinggale. Province : isi dengan provinsi anda tinggal
Postal code : Kode pos
Country : negara (tentu indonesia)i. Phone number : isi dengan nomer anda sendiri nanti pasword untuk WD di kirim lewat SMS)j. E-mail : isi dengan E-mail anda
Password : klik aja GENERATE ( ada di samping kolom)l. Phone password : klik aja GENERATE ( ada di samping kolom)m. Account type : pilih tipe akun anda ( untuk pemula aku sarankan CENT STANDART)
Trading Server Location : USA. Leverage : pilih 1 : 400
Islamic Account (swap-free) : centang kotak kecilnya
Subscribe for analytics receipt : yang ini gak perlu di centang
Affiliate Code : Kosongi kolom inis. jangan lupa centang I agree with the Public offer agreement
klik OPEN ACCOUNT [kotak merah]
Kemudian nanti akan muncul nomer account anda untuk login di web dan metatrader anda
SIMPAN INI BAIK-BAIK, karena kode-ini sangat penting, karena kode pin hanya akan muncul sekali

Kita sudah punya account trading di instaforex untuk mengisi modal kita, kita daftar di forum berikut:
Klik di sini
isi semua data
setelah selesai daftar, login ke forum
klik MY PROFILE (ada di pojok kanan)
kemudian klik BONUS FOR POST
klik ikon plus ( + ) Berwarna merah kemudian
masukkan trading account number dan trader pasword

NB: jangan kuatir memasukan trader password, karena akan di rahasikan dan tidak bisa di gunakan untuk pengambilan uang, karena untuk withdraw harus menggunakan pin password.

selamat berburu modal


Gratis 5 dollar dari roboforex

Setiap client yang mendaftar akan mendapatkan bonus welcome $5. Dan bisa digunakan untuk trading.
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The RoboForex is glad to present «Welcome bonus», a new no deposit bonus service which can be of a great help to beginner traders, and a good opportunity to try trading using real forex accounts at RoboForex!

View instructions how to get «Welcome bonus».
We’d like to pay your attention to the fact that our Technical Support Service gives no answers to the questions on No Deposit Bonus, as the system operates automatically. If you have any question, please, visit «Welcome bonus» FAQ.
Conditions of no deposit bonus «Welcome bonus» service are the following

1. «Welcome bonus» is $5 (500 cents deposited to your account) and available for Fix-Cent & Pro-Cent cent accounts.
2. A client can withdraw bonus from the account, if the total amount of the lots on his/her account is:

- 100 microlots (1 standard lot) for Fix-Cent accounts;
- 167 microlots (1.67 standard lot) for Pro-Cent accounts.

3. The «Welcome bonus» bonus program has no limitations in Affiliate commission payments.
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